Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

Remember that saying? Am I aging myself?  Well, I am a day late to this weeks Challenge over at Guylou's Inimitability.   Excuses, excuses.. Well, I really thought I could get this done in time.  Last Friday I had my 3rd surgery in  less than 5 months and it seems that this one took the most out of me. I have only left the house to walk around the block a few times and my one appointment to the doctor.  So, that is my excuse! I got my image of Jace colored earlier this week and just couldn't get myself into my craft room to put this card together until yesterday.  But I did get it done!!
Today's challenge was hosted by our very own Tracy.  Her inspiration colors are as follows:
Great colors.  There is a twist though, Tracy challenged us to use something that we found around the house, something unconventional.  I found a copper washer thingy.  Not quite the washer but the flatter piece that goes on the other side. You know what I mean!!  I forgot the black! But I did use a deep Brown in its place!  Maybe I should have just given up!!!  Anyways, here is my card for todays challenge.
Yeah, this card is really not like what I usually do, but I really had fun coloring this image. I think it is an awesome image for so many things.  Hope you will join us in the challenge. It will really make you think outside the box!!  I know it did me!
So glad you stopped by today.  Tomorrow is Easter, what an amazing holiday. Time to remember what our Lord and Savior has done for us. I hope that you all enjoy your time with family and friends, and eggs, and chocolate and take the time to reflect on what the day really means. I know I will!


Anonymous said...

Brenda, fantastic card, tossing speedy recovery wishes your way. You beat me, I'm on my 3 surgery in 8 months. Stay well!

Hugs, Lori m

Sara I. said...

Love the inking you did around the image and the little mini clock you made out of the washer - very clever idea! I do hope that you are able to rest and get back on your feet again, soon. Hoping you feel better and have a fabulous Easter Sunday with your family!!

Wordbird said...

Hi Brenda! This is a fun card! The washer "thingy" was a good idea and you didn't forget the black... the numbers on your clock are black! hugs! ;D

Two Dogs and a Book said...

Bren... totally worth the wait!! Your card is gorgeous!!! I hope you will feel better soon! Hugs and more hugs!

ThePurplePlace said...

WOOHOO! Thank you for letting me know I had won a challenge! I was so excited!!

Your cards are always such a joy to see and I envy your talent!! You are such a fabulous colorist!! Keep up the fabulous work!!


Sandi said...

Brenda, you have a fantastic blog!

Kim Kelley said...

I really like what you did Bren. Really like the green around JC...really makes him stand out even more!

Craftdee said...

I feel like I'm a day late leaving my comment! I thought I'd done it yesterday, until I checked (getting old). Anyway, I really like your clock idea, and of course your colouring. Hope you get to stay away from Drs soon, I had a year like that a few years ago and it's no fun...but once you're "better" its so much BETTER!!! Dee